The most important component of any fence is a strong gate, especially when installed by a professional fence company.

To be both useful and attractive, gates must be carefully constructed by skilled fence services so they do not sag or drag.

The type of entryway needed is an important factor when choosing gates for fences, so decide on the best design for your gate by considering these details.

Many Appealing Designs Choices

Whether your fence is made of wood, PVC, or even wrought iron, there are different entryway style and appearance choices.

Some gates installed by fence companies are more decorative, adding visual appeal to the structure.

Other entryways may be more simple in design and are intended only to be functional.

Certain gates are more appropriate for security and privacy than those designed to serve as a gateway for through access.

When choosing a gate design, you must first factor in the purpose of your fence in order to find one that supports your needs.

Structural Design Also Critical

Gates can be the weakest component of a fence if they are not properly designed and installed by experienced fence services.

A poorly designed gate will quickly begin to fall apart and sag under its own weight, causing it to drag on the ground and lessen its usefulness.

Consider these factors when choosing your gate:

  • Height and Weight - The taller the entryway, the more important sturdy construction and mounting will be. Tall gates are heavier than lower ones. This weight puts more strain on support structure and mounting hardware. In either case, the critical factor when designing entryways for various fences is finding the best way to support the weight so the gate swings and closes easily without sagging over time. If it is hard to close a latch, this usually means the gate is beginning to sag from its own weight.
  • Support Structure - A solid support structure is essential to prevent any gate from loosening or sagging, becoming unsightly and reducing its function. A good frame made from strong, sturdy 2 x 4 lumber and a cross brace are important gate components. The cross brace is a piece of lumber affixed from one top gate corner to the opposite bottom corner. It prevents the frame from sagging or loosening. As fence services build the body of the gate, all additional pieces are affixed to the frame and cross brace to add stability. Some very heavy gates may even have a double cross brace that forms an X.
  • Proper Mounting - Another critical design component to build a strong entryway that does not sag is correct mounting by a fence company. Many times it is the post that leans and allows the gate to sag, not the gate itself. Hinges must be strong enough to hold the entire weight of the gate without bending. Depending on its height and weight, three or more hinges may be needed so the gate continues to swing easily. Mounting posts should be thicker and longer than standard fence posts, dug in deeper, and set in concrete. The hole should be filled with small gravel and dirt to keep it secure. You can have greater stability to prevent posts from shifting over time by adding a header that connects both posts over the top of the gate.

Does Your Gate Serve Its Intended Purpose?

The key to adding strong and useful gates to any type of fences is making sure it serves its intended purpose and is well designed.

Correct design and installation by a skilled fence company are critical to be sure the gate functions properly without sagging or falling apart for many years.

Local fence services can help install the best gate for your fence!

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